About Us
"Enthusiastic naturalists, conservationists and science communicators, we use photography and videography to help raise awareness on protecting our threatened eco-systems and wildlife!"

Wildlife Photographer, Filmmaker, Ecologist & Science Communicator
Nick Volpe

Wildlife Photographer, Filmmaker & Science Communicator
Lucyna Kania
Based in the Northern Territory, Australia 📍
With a background in Environmental Science, our passions have lead us into creating wildlife media to educate and engage the public with our natural world in the hopes of influencing positive biodiversity outcomes!
In the NT, we have been co-curators of the Tiny Territory Exhibition at the Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory and co-ordinate workshops on wildlife and photography. We are often on radio stations talking all things wildlife so you also may hear us!
Australia wide our photography has won awards, been published in magazines such as Australian Geographic and books and has inspired thousands of people online to appreciate nature. We are beginning to produce wildlife education resources to help encourage the conversation of our lesser-known animals.
Internationally, our videography has seen us involved with Netflix productions and documenting the important work of researchers.
We want to travel the planet and bring the amazing natural world to your screen. Come join us, we look forward to having you follow us on our adventures!